速報APP / 天氣 / Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)





版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:London N10 3NR United Kingdom

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖1)-速報App

Five years after its beloved release on Windows Phone, Appy Weather is finally available on Android. Sequels don't always suck ;)

Appy Weather is the most personal weather app, starring its alternative Timeline landing screen that summarises the weather (Weather Timeline users — this one is for you) and supported by the more conventional Hourly and Daily screens. Its accurate forecasts are brought to you by Dark Sky.

The free version allows 10 weather requests per day and is ad-supported. Upgrade to AppyWeather+ to remove this limit, hide ads, and unlock widgets + notifications too!

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖2)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖3)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖4)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖5)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖6)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖7)-速報App

Appy Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)(圖8)-速報App